INTERVIEW - Adam Patton Discusses Inspirations + “Stay Away”
Kenzie Gay - @kenzwrites
Over the last twenty years, as the classic rock America was used to began to fade away, we were gifted with a new style of rock in return. It’s gone by many names as it’s evolved and clarified: some call it alternative rock, new wave rock, or even indie if they’re particularly strict on what classifies as rock music. We’ve seen artists under this category such as Waterparks, Blink-182, Twenty One Pilots, and even the more recent Wet Leg rise up from their unique sound but amongst this ever-growing genre of music also resides the underdogs: those who are lesser-known both by name and in streams. 19 year old Adam Patton, an alternative rock soloist hailing out of Arkansas, is one of these underdogs. We got the chance to speak with him for an exclusive interview regarding his upcoming single titled Stay Away.
KG: Who are your largest inspirations as a singer AND as a writer?
AP: One of my largest inspirations for singing would definitely be Harry Styles. As for writing, it would have to be FINNEAS.
KG: Could you go into detail about your creative process when making a song? Specifically, the creative process for your upcoming song "Stay Away"
AP: Well, for the instrumental parts, I always just mess around on my guitar until I can find a riff to base the songs on, then I take it to my producer, and we figure out what we have to do to build the rest of the song . After the instrumental is done I lock myself in my room until I have the vocals and lyrics written. Writing usually comes pretty easy to me, I just base it off of what’s going on in my life, which most of the time, is a lot.
KG: What are some obstacles you’ve faced as a small artist?
AP: So far it’s been promoting/ getting my music heard, and dealing with a normal life with a normal job and making time for music.
KG: What do you hope to get out of your career?
AP: The opportunity to share my feelings, hoping other people can relate, creating a safe place for people, and definitely the experience of touring and traveling. I haven’t traveled very much and that’s something I really want to do.
KG: Are there any things outside of music that non-directly impact your work? (hobbies, job, etc.)
AP: My mental health always plays a role in my songs. When I’m writing or playing, it feels like everything slows down and it’s just me and the music.
KG: How do you deal with writer’s block or artist burnout?
AP: When I do, fortunately, it doesn’t last very long. I just take a step back for a day or two, listen to my favorite artists, and get back to it.
KG: Who is a dream artist you’d love to collaborate with (living OR dead)?
AP: There’s a few. Ekkstacy, Joji, suicide boys, and FINNEAS.
KG: according to Spotify and several listeners, your music has often been compared to Jake Webber, Johnnie Guilbert, and Car Seat Headrest. What are your thoughts on those comparisons?
AP:I totally get it. We have a lot of similarities. Jake Webber has been a pretty big inspiration for me since his trap house days.
KG: Where do you hope to see your music career in ten years?
AP: Big enough to influence/inspire people and have a great community... but not like “The Weeknd” or “Taylor swift” kind of big. Just big enough to get out of Arkansas and see the world. I’ve also thought about eventually having a clothing/ jewelry brand, fashion has always been a big thing for me.
After this interview (as of publishing), Patton has his new single Stay Away scheduled for release on July 19. Below, you’ll find a short sample from the upcoming song, a link to pre-save it, and a link to Patton’s other music that’s already available for streaming via Spotify.