SONG REVIEW - Elijah Woods’ “2 Thousand 10”

Nash Jones - @nashjones

You probably know how it feels to be sixteen, so you know that whatever you were feeling then faded quickly. While the teenage experience is so varied, your earlier years are, at the very least, a simpler time. Pop artist and producer Elijah Woods taps into that nostalgia with his latest single, 2 thousand 10.

2 Thousand 10 - a Review

The song starts out with a dreamy, reverbed guitar before the kick of the drums comes in with an electric riff. The opening line states, “I think I lost myself today.” He discusses navigating the complexities of being an adult with straightforward writing, remarking, “I wish that I could hit replay on everything/ everything, everything I felt.” 

The particularly summer-y vibe was clearly intentional, as he references the season directly in the chorus. The song would not be out of place in a teen movie from the same era, specifically a beach scene. You can vividly picture the sunbathing, the running on the sand, the laughing and socializing with your group of friends from that age (who you likely barely spoke to after graduation). “Take me back,” he says throughout. 

Overall, 2 thousand 10 is a relatable and fun summer song, reminiscent of guitar-led 2000’s hits. After being previously played with the crash of cymbals and the chants of “Yeah!” in the background, the last chorus fades to the same guitar arpeggio as the intro to bring us back to the fact we still are where we are now regardless, a bittersweet reckoning.

Elijah Woods has just wrapped a stadium tour in Asia. As of July 12, his latest Instagram post sports a freshly-bleached hairdo, and is captioned, “2 thousand 10 out now. album soon.” Stay tuned to see what Elijah Woods has in store!


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