Girl in Red Does it Again (Baby) in Atlanta
Show review via Logan Gordon - @lrgordon
On November 26th, Girl In Red’s I’M DOING IT AGAIN BABY extended tour finally hit the stage of The Eastern in Atlanta. The show was packed with wild energy, hilarious commentary, and outstanding performances. After completing her original I’M DOING IT AGAIN BABY tour dates in October, Marie, Girl In Red’s real name, decided to extend the tour length so she could visit cities she couldn’t in the beginning.The first new date began on November 23rd when she performed in Dallas, Texas.
Currently, Girl In Red has a couple more shows before finishing her year-long run, with the last show taking place in Meza, Arizona.
For the third show of her extended tour, The Eastern was packed out with eager fans, all excited to finally experience Girl In Red’s stage presence in real-time.
Girl in Red: shot by Isak Uzumaki and designed by Richard Øiestad
Gigi Perez Opens
Before Girl In Red took to the stage, Gigi Perez opened the show. With only 30 minutes of allotted time, Perez’s performance stunned the audience and encouraged the excitement everyone was already feeling. After her latest music became viral hits on TikTok earlier this year, Perez was no stranger to the audience. Each person knew the performer, and everyone was excited to hear the songs they all knew too well. While her viral songs were a hit among the crowd, Perez’s more underground songs stole the show from the beginning.
Her opening song, Please Be Rude, beautifully set the tone for her set. Emotions resonated not only through the lyrics but also the instrumentals, showcasing the intensity and talent Perez had to offer. After her first song, Perez played through some of her other lesser-known songs, such as Sometimes (Backwood) and Normalcy.
Through each song, the fans listened intently, their attention solely on the performer, and even during Perez's latest viral hit, Fable, they remained quiet to absorb the raw vocals.
Finally, to finish her set, Perez performed Sailor Song, the musical piece that catapulted her into the hearts of many. From just the opening tone, fans began to cheer loudly, their faces lighting up with excitement. For four minutes, fans and Perez all sang together, feeling each lyric personally. Ending with Sailor Song could have been a preference or a calculated move, all to fully grab the audience’s attention for when Girl In Red started her show. Nevertheless, it was the perfect grand finale to tie together Gigi Perez’s entire set.
Girl In Red’s Concert Full Of Different Entertainment
The show began with feverish suspense as rising melodies filled the air, deep red colors enveloped the venue, and the shadow of Girl In Red stood before the audience. Then, without hesitation, The Eastern burst alive with colors and music as Girl In Red and her band started the show with DOING IT AGAIN BABY, the title song of her latest album.
The crowd matched Marie’s energy right from the beginning, singing the lyrics of her song back to her. It was quickly evident that the show would be in full force for the entire set without even a hint of caution. With a smooth transition, the show continued with bad idea! Effortlessly, the two songs blended well together and kept everyone jumping.
Marie, especially, ran and jumped around the stage, interacting both with her band and the fans throughout it all. Her voice was excited and raw from the get-go. It wasn’t until the end of the third song that Marie took a break and spoke to the crowd.
Surprisingly, it seemed that for the first two shows, she had been fighting off a bad cold, most likely bronchitis. Even as the singer continued to joke about her current state of health, all the while joking about her “professor-like” attire, the fact that she was sick became a tad more apparent throughout the show. For some songs, she allowed the audience to take over and sing the lyrics. For other songs, like Seratonin, she changed its usual upbeat tones to a laid-back acoustic set, which was the perfect idea for the song.
It was obvious that the fans were very appreciative of her for continuing the show. Whether they were voicing their encouragement through cheers when she needed a quick break or showing their love for the change of a song. The energy the audience gave seemed to be a pillar for the band to stand on.
Nonetheless, Marie was an insane powerhouse throughout it all. She never once took a step back, and there were times when she seemed to be at the prime of her health.
The show slowly finished with some of Girl In Red’s older hits blending with her new ones. With We Fell In Love In October and I’ll Call You Mine, the audience was at times louder than Marie. For two high-energy hours, The Eastern was glowing with happiness from each fan. For a first-time listener, it is easy to see the important connection Marie has with her fans.
Marie’s dedication to bonding with her fans was one of the most valuable moments of the show. “I want to make the room feel as small as possible like we are just hanging out,” she said during one of her many rants. She did just that, and the show never felt like anything less than close friends celebrating together.
Whether it was some of the audience’s first time seeing her live or not, they had a natural connection with the singer. Most of the venue was filled with long-time fans of Marie’s, many of whom are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, just like Marie herself. The singer has been a role model for many for so long. So, they took this opportunity to connect personally with her in ways they could not online.
They belted out songs, such as Girls, while holding up pride flags and screaming out their love for one another and the singer. Marie, of course, joined them with wide smiles each time. The venue became this welcoming, safe haven for so many, and it only made the concert that much more special. Through her music, her rants, the connection she had with her band, and the love she had for her fans, Girl In Red’s Atlanta show was nothing short of thrilling, powerful, and naturally emotional.